HP Lovecraft's Monsters are Real and here's the photographs to prove it!
While the title of this blog post may scream 'CLICK BAIT ALERT!', there is an element of truth to my wild claim.
I awoke this morning to find that my good friend The Deceptionist had sent me a link to the most amazing Twitter account. Roman Fedortsov works on a fishing trawler based in Murmansk, a port city in the extreme northwest part of Russia. Earlier this year, he started tweeting photographs of his most unusual catches.
Most deep-sea fishermen would likely smile or shrug at his pictures, given the variety of creatures regularly pulled up in nets, but the images are perfectly monstrous to your average land-lover.
Fans of HP Lovecraft, Guillermo del Toro & HR Giger will no doubt see some remarkable similarities between their creatures creations and these real monsters from the stygian depths. Monster designers need look no further than the eternal midnight of our deep oceans for inspiration. If such bizarre and alien looking creatures exist on our own planet, imagine what lurks out there in deep space?
Star Spawn, Cthonians, Deep Ones, Leng Spiders and Flying Polyps, you'll find most of them on Roman's Twitter feed. Maybe something gargantuan does slumber in the deepest ocean, maybe Lovecraft was right.